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...Written Aforetime

...Written Aforetime (Written by Joy A. Adewumi) My Bible study plan has been taking me through the books of the Kings and the Chronicles of the Kings in recent times and if you are conversant with this part of the Bible, you'll most likely be able to relate with the tiny ray of hope you hold out for a each new King, especially of Judah, who ascends the throne. Each time you're probably thinking, "Maybe, just maybe this one would be better than his father, or maybe he'll serve God more wholeheartedly than his father."  Then somehow, he does something wrong and you are grossly disappointed especially if he started out well. Then you are just hoping somehow before he dies, he makes his way right with his God, but no written evidence proves he does. This rollercoaster has had me thinking and I can't help but remember that this characters were real people who lived at a time and that was the summary of their lives. Their mistakes, their stubbornness and their shor

Able and Faithful

Able and Faithful (Written by Joy A. Adewumi) I paced the hospital lobby as mum was rushed into the emergency ward. She just suffered a cardiac arrest and as I paced my whole body trembled. My knees were about to buckle and I knew only adrenaline was keeping me vertical. It was an obvious situation but at the same time I was finding it hard to accept. How many times had I heard of it? Someone going into cardiac arrest. A friend's parent, a lecturer, a senior colleague, but somehow seeing my mum wheeled away gave me a rude awakening! It was my mum! Yet it felt surreal. I wanted to grasp at something. Anything. My head was spinning and my eyes burned. I didn't want to cry. Crying would only make it real and though I had seen it and heard the doctor give a diagnosis, I didn't want to believe it yet. Would she make it? She hadn't always been the healthiest of people? Would her heart survive it? What if she didn't make it? What would I do? Stop! Stop! Amaka, don'

A Good Night to Pray

A Good Night to Pray! (A short story written by Joy A. Adewumi) Tears burned in Tamuna's eyes as she turned to bury her face in her pillow to muffle her sobs, it would do no good to disturb her poor aunt who was passing the night in their house. Her parents had been gracious enough to keep their quibbles and fight till the poor lady who had come to pass the night after been released from the NYSC orientation camp, had taken dinner and retired for the night. Thankfully also, they had been able to keep it under check when the inevitable happened, and as usual, Tamuna had excused herself as pain throbbed hard against her chest. This was the reason Gen, her big sister and only sibling never came home from school, and it angered Tamuna that she couldn't simply disappear like Gen and stay away from all the bad energy, but more than that, it hurt her that her parents' marriage was crumbling with each passing day. She was at Kathy's last weekend and it shocked her to no e

Can You Marry You?!

Can You Marry You?! (A short story written by Joy A. Adewumi) 'I can't marry a woman who does not know her way around the kitchen! The kind that will serve toast and egg for breakfast, indomie for lunch and then order pizza for dinner. May God not let us well-meaning brothers fall into the hands of ladies like that.' Dare said as he and some of the other guys in the room laughed loudly. I hated it to no end whenever this old drama starts at the family house! Dare started it, now some girl, maybe one of the more outspoken ones would take over and then we'll have the whole cycle all over again! I can't marry so-so kind of lady. Oh please! Spare me. Who do you think wants to put up with so-so kind of man either?! However before any lady in the room could say Jack Robinson, another guy hijacked the conversation. 'Exactly o, my brother! Or those ones that cannot do laundry except they see washing machine, or dishes until you get them dishwasher. They won'

Love: The Kingdom's Currrency

Love: The Kingdom's Currency! (A short story written by Joy A. Adewumi) 'I don't know, I just don't like her! Is there a problem with that?' Olayemi fumed as I called her away after a rather rude response she threw at a well-meaning classmate who was trying to be friendly. 'Oh yes, there is a problem with that! You're a Christian, you can't just not like a fellow. It goes against your identity as a child of God.' My friend released a sigh as she tried to relax her features but they remained taut and she rubbed her forehead with her fingers. 'I don't like the way she talks. She's too loud, too jovial, too... Well, I don't know! Too everything!' Olayemi spat out, throwing her hands in the air as she tried to defend her stance. I narrowed my eyes at my friend as I tried to figure out what was wrong. I kept looking at her and soon she was squirming under my gaze. 'Stop giving me that look as if you can see right through me

My Grace is Sufficient for You.

My Grace is Sufficient for You. ( A short story written by Joy A. Adewumi ) 'You really have to apologize, Grace.' The Voice whispered to my heart and I groaned audibly. I've always believed there are some hard sides to walking in the Spirit and one of them is the unconditional obedience one needs to practice in accordance to the will of God. When the going is good and your sweetest desires are in line with God's will, the walk is pleasurable. The bone of contention however comes up, when you have to lay down your pride and ambitions to be the christian the Holy Spirit desires you to be. 'Grace, he's coming, you should apologize.' The firm whisper came again, even as I sighted Felix, coming down the hall. Well, you're wondering what could be so hard that my Senior Partner and I have to tussle over, aren't you? Here it is. Getting to work this morning, I worked in to find a mess of paperwork a teammate of mine had left unattended since the day

Why are You Running?

Why are You Running? (Written by Joy A. Adewumi) 'Wow, Tinu! You write so well! You're especially good at it, you think it might be a ministry?' I asked my friend as I read her latest article on her blog while I visited. She really is amazing! She has a way with words that has you glued to your screen till you're done reading whatever she writes.  She has a huge readership too which convinces me of the fact that I'm not the only one with the opinion that she's a 'wow writer'. 'Oh! I'm sure it's a ministry.' Tinu replied with a light chuckle, then turned towards me as her tone got decidedly lighter. 'What I'm not sure of is if I'm doing it right.' Is this babe kidding me?! I mean, she writes great, and teaches good lessons too. A huge readership also attests to this! Isn't that all that matters? So I voiced out my wonder. 'Babe, you've got to be kidding me! What could you