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Don't Pull the Plug!

Don't Pull the Plug!

(Written by Joy A. Adewumi)

'I'm done here! I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm not cut out for this, really.' Ifeoma lamented as we sat on the carpeted floor in our room, facing each other, trying to cram as much of those pharmacy laws as possible as we prepared for PCA401 that was to hold the next day. She raised a palm to her forehead and rubbed what must be a throbbing spot.

My heart went out to her. Every student feels pressured and exhausted during exams, but somehow Ify had it worse.

Each single semester she was usually like this and I just kept encouraging her and praying with her as we both helped each other pull through the exams. This time however had been especially hard on her. She was always rubbing at her head and complaining of a terrible ache and I honestly wished the exams would come and go and be over with.

I sighed and watched as she stretched her body out on the floor.

'It's our penultimate year already, you can't give up now. You've been through each and every semester despite how hard it proved and I believe you can do it again.'

'Babe, you don't understand. I'm not sure I can hold out this time. Really, it won't be the end of life if I just transfer to another department, would it?' She asked turning to face me.

'Come off it, babe! Of course transferring is not a big deal, but do you really want to do that? This is your dream and if you were not born to be a pharmacist, honestly, I don't know who is. Babe, everything comes so naturally to you, from practicals to class and group discussions, you were made for this and I know you'll be one heck of a pharmacist.'

Click here to buy When the Water Falls

'Yes, everything comes so naturally except these exams, the most important part! If this is the right path, why should I feel like I would drop from exhaustion each time?' She cried.

I sighed again and lied down beside her and said,

'There's a reason for everything. But I'm sure God has not helped you this far just to let you give up on His plans for you at this junction. See, babe, the word of God says that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of men what God has prepared for those that love Him. You can't give up when your success is just around the corner.' She laced her fingers with mine and said,

'Grace, I just don't know if I can go further. I feel like just running into a cave and sleeping there for the next three weeks!'

'Babe,' I laughed, 'probably every student in the school right now feels that way. Besides who will I lean on whenever I'm about to drop too if you bail on me now? Sweets, I know this has not been easy but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You've got Christ in your corner and He's got your back. Turn to Him and latch on to His grace. Let Him fill you with His joy which is your strength and trust Him to carry you through. Put aside the pessimism and negative words and affirm your strength and ability in Christ.' Ify rubbed a palm down her face and said as she propped her head on one palm with her elbow on the ground,

'You know, right now you sound just like Dr Iwunwa!' She joked, referring to one our very energetic and radical pastors in the campus fellowship. I laughed, glad she could make a joke again.

'Dr Iwunwa kwa? Biko shift lemme receive the anointing.' We both laughed at my reply, then I said,

You can also read The Connect here.

'Babe, jump up, let's make some powerful affirmations before we go back to studying. I'm sure it will be the reinvigoration you need.' She smiled and stood up alongside me and I started affirming while she shouted the words after me to her spirit-man with so much vigor, that even my own spirit charged up with each statement.

'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

I refuse to give in, give up or back down at this point!

The joy of the Lord is my strength so I refuse to be weak!

I will not pull the plug, because my salvation is just around the corner!

I let go of all pessimism and negative confessions, rather I affirm that success is mine and I can certainly do this!

My confidence is rooted in the fact that my history is going to be a story of God's glory, so I refuse to sabotage such beautiful story!

Christ has opened the door of my success and no man or thing can shut it!

Beyond mine or the world's widest imaginations is what God plans to do with my life and so I have to keep pushing!

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and so weakness, pains, aches and exhaustion have to get out and stay out because God will not share His habitation with such aberrations!

I have more understanding than my teachers, so I receive help for assimilation, comprehension and retention without stress!

I strut into my success!

I confess, I affirm and I profess that I have the victory in Jesus name. Amen!'

You can also read He'll Make a Way here

I laughed heartily at the glowing look on Ify's face as sweat glistened on her skin and she charged her robust body at me, pulling me into a soft hug.

'I honestly cannot decide at times like this, which one you are- motivational speaker or spoken word artist?' I laughed as I hugged her back.

'I am whichever I have to be for my homegirl at any given time.'

'Thanks sugar! You're a Godsend.' She sniffed.

'Hey! That wasn't just for you it was for me too. Besides, I can't imagine what might happen to my grades if my genius study partner bails on me.'

We both laughed and snacked on some junks for a bit whilst we quizzed ourselves, before returning to the tedious task of studying and cramming.

Whatever the situation dear reader, don't pull the plug! Your salvation is just around the corner.

You can do this! I am rooting for you and Christ is rooting for you!

If you've been blessed by this story, please drop a comment in the comment section below and let me know your thoughts.

Yours truly,
The Girl with the Winning Smile,
Spirit Pen!


  1. So blessed with this
    More grace in Jesus Name

    1. Amen!
      Thanks for reading. I'm glad you were blessed.

  2. Wow. Thanks for this dear. It really ministered to me

    1. Glory to God! I'm glad it did. Thanks for your time.


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