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Our Hope of Glory!

 Our Hope of Glory!

(Written by Joy A. Adewumi)

'Corper Ife, how can I get God to love me?'

I was about to take a bite of my pie, when this question came from one of my students, Lizzy, with whom I was taking lunch. My hand stopped mid-air as I did a double take?

Was this a joke?

What kind of teen with a Biblical name asked that sort of question at Lizzy's age?

I looked at Lizzy and knew she was dead serious with the truly curious look on her face and a hint of what's that...?


I couldn't place it, but at that moment, all thoughts of food flew from my head as I besought God for the right words to speak to this young girl sitting in front of me.

She certainly wasn't joking and I knew it since the moment she asked for my audience earlier.

'Corper Ife, can I see you for a moment ma?' Lizzy had asked as I walked out of the SS2B classroom after my lecture with them. It was break time.

I figured with the way Lizzy was fidgeting with the hem of her jacket that whatever she had to discuss was pretty serious and most probably private, so I beckoned to a familiar student and asked her to drop my teaching aids on my table, while I detoured towards the rowdy cafeteria.

As I stared at the girl, still trying to figure out a way to answer her, I asked,

'Lizzy, if I may ask, why do you ask?'

The girl pursed her lips for some seconds as though considering her answer and when she spoke, I was blown-off.

'Last week, I summoned up courage and asked Morayo how she manages to pass well and she said it's because God loves her.'

'Just that?' I asked bewildered.

'Just that.' She answered shrugging.

I wanted to scoff and throw my hands up into the air!

Morayo was one of the best students in SS2 commerce class and knowing the girl, I knew her answer had to be as a result of one of two things.

One, either someone has been giving her that particular answer too or two, she did that to sass Lizzy.

Either way, it was beside the point. This was about Lizzy and I knew beyond the issue of getting better grades, many other things must have culminated to that question burning in her heart. Again as I reached for her hands, glancing at the time on the wristwatch on my left wrist, I asked God for wisdom and utterance.

'Lizzy, I want you to know that God loves you already, as you are, even before you were born. It's not something you do or say that makes God love you, and you cannot make Him hate you.

'That love is His permanent expression towards you.'

As I spoke, I could read the bemusement on Lizzy's face. I confirmed that when she spoke.

'But ma, if God loves me already, why do good things not happen to me?'

Wow! So this was the actual bone of contention!
Then I asked her as my brows furrowed,

'Good things like what?'

'Good things like a good brain, good grades, good jobs for my parents, good health for my little sister...' At this point, tears that had probably been begging for release for a long time spilled out, and my heart went out to the girl.

'If God truly loves me why did He allow thieves come for the money my dad brought home last week for Tiwa's treatment?'

Oh my word!

'Corper Ife, God doesn't love me, please show me how I can make Him love me.'

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Usually, to my best of knowledge, what takes priority in the heart of teenage girls is most times not a burning question as to how to make God love them. This is because, it is that age when they are beginning to discover vanity and have more mundane things on their minds than ever.
So, I knew the few things Lizzy just mentioned must be just the tip of the iceberg that was weighing down her fragile teenage mind.

I swallowed and sent an SOS to heaven. I wanted to go sit by her and pull her into a hug, but I know she'd appreciate it more if I didn't call attention to her in that state.
So, I settled for rubbing soothing patterns over her wrist until her sobs turned to sniffs.

'Lizzy, you know that Bible verse you've always recited since you were a kid?
John 3 verse 16, do you mind reciting it again?'

She nodded and began reciting, when she was done I asked her to recite again, and to pay attention to the words this time.
She did and afterward I asked her what came first? God's love or our actions?

She confirmed it was God's love and I continued,

'Honey, God has always loved us and will continue to love us regardless of whoever we are, but it is left to us to accept His love.

'And that is what John 3 verse 16 is all about.
For God so loved us, so He gave us His Son, Jesus, so that whoever, you, me or any person at all, who accepts Him can have everlasting life.

'You see Lizzy, Jesus coming to die for us was God's expression of love towards us. He gave us His one and only Son, showing us how much He cares for us, but you have to accept this love, that is, you have to accept Jesus, so that you can have the life He has come to give you.

That life includes all those good things you're talking about.'

'Do I make sense?'

Lizzy nodded as she dried her face of all telltale signs of tears, and I was glad we were making progress.

The weariness in her eyes was leaving too, I could sense a glint of hope, and I truly wanted that glint to be a full fledged beam.

I forged on.

'Matthew 6 verse 33, explains this further when it said to seek first God's kingdom and all these things will be added unto you.

'These things? What things?' Lizzy asked as her brows formed a deep V.

'Good question!' I quipped.
'They are exactly the things you are asking for now? The good things.

'Lizzy, accept God's expression of love to you, and watch His love become a reality in everything that concerns you.'

Lizzy stared into space for a few seconds and I imagined the things I said sinking in, then as I glanced at my wristwatch again, she asked,

'Corper Ife, how do I accept God's love?'

Joy lit my heart and I took her hands again and answered,

'Believe God sent His Son to die for you and accept Jesus into your life, to be Lord and Saviour. He'll wash away the old life of wrongs and help you to live right. Then, as much as you want, you can ask whatever you will and He'll give them to you!'

That morning, as I led Lizzy to God, I made a mental note to add her and her family to my intercession list.

Needless to say, Lizzy walked out of that cafeteria that beautiful Wednesday morning with a spring to her steps and a growing light in her erstwhile gloomy eyes.

That's the power and the beauty of Christ in any man.

God's word says, "Christ in us, the hope of glory!"


Dear reader, I'll have you know that it's not surreal that someone would still ask that question Lizzy asked in the story.

What you call basic Bible knowledge is still lost on some people out there. The Bible says the letter kills but it's the Spirit that gives life! In fact, many have become so familiar with this basic Bible knowledge, that the understanding is lost on them

They know the word, but it's power to save and heal is lost on them, and how, like the Ethiopian eunuch, can they understand, if you do not explain to them?

The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. Do not just assume everyone around you is aware.

Sound it continuously.

Souls are literally dying in depression and desperation, waiting for a drop of the living water.

Won't you today be that man/woman God will use to rescue them?

And to everyone concerned, God loves you regardless of who or what you are.

He only needs you to accept his love (Jesus Christ) as this gives you full access to everlasting life- a God-catered life here on earth and eternity in heaven.


Spirit Pen


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