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While You Wait

While You Wait!

(Written by Joy A. Adewumi)

Okay before you discard this and move on to the next important thing, I'd like to say this is not an article talking about  waiting for that Mr/Miss Right.

Nah, though it may apply.

Stay tuned...

For some months now, I've been pursuing something and it's been more elusive than I anticipated. 

Whenever I think of how I've invested so much in it, financially, emotionally and even mentally, it's hard not to feel down and melancholic at how everywhere I turn I meet with either a closed door or a dead end.

And my melancholy and worry is usually so evident that even those around me notice and talk against it all the time, but don't blame me, disappointments have a way of bringing you to an all-time low.

However, I've learnt to take everything to God in prayer. 

I'm a firm believer of the fact that God is interested in every aspect of our daily lives. He's aware of our desires, dreams and aspirations and when they tally with His will for our lives, though it may take a while, but our expectations would not be cut short.

It's however one thing to know and believe God is in charge and another to actually live it out. 

We ought to learn to leave our problems at the altar and this involves leaving our worries, doubts and anxieties alongside. It means trusting God to fix what needs fixing and not dwelling on how or when He will.

It means finding ways to unwind, be happy and desist from letting that one request rule our lives, because if truly you believe God is the only one who can sort it out for you, then, He'll do just that if He wills and only when He wills. So, how does your worry help anything?

Christ even spoke about this extensively in Matthew 6, but I'll highlight verse 27 where it says,

"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?"

You can interpret that as "which of you by taking thought (worrying, fretting and being anxious) can do anything about a situation where only God can do something?"

So, in view of this, amongst other interests to keep me busy while I wait on God for a miracle, I've learnt to indulge in things that make me happy, that make me smile and that lift my mood. 

Things that help me take my mind off the worry threatening in my chest. So much that sometimes when I rush into the room bursting at the seams with excitement, my sister is always keyed up thinking it's news about my endeavours, but every time so far, it's been just one funny or cute observation or the other.

My worries still get to me and sometimes I can't help but think, but then, I've learnt to pull myself out of that, rather than sink in deeper.

I've learnt to be happy and fill my life with other sweetness God has made available at my disposal while I wait.

You have to know that you are blessed regardless of how disadvantaged you consider yourself at the moment. If you'll just take your eyes off that one thing you think you're nothing without, you'll realize you're blessed. 

You have to stop thinking of what God has done for others and have not done for you and start thinking of what God has done for you and has not done for others if you'll see just how blessed you are. 

I've been doing that in recent times and I've realized I have blessings I never even asked for and didn't even think I needed to ask for but the lack thereof are is bane of some people's existence.

Finally, just believe God will do it.

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11

Yours sincerely,
Spirit Pen.


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